Tag: Congress

Senate Holds Hearing on Ways to Improve Draft Digital Replica Bill

Yesterday, April 30, 2024, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property’s held a hearing on “The NO FAKES Act: Protecting Americans from Unauthorized Digital Replicas.” This was a follow-up to a prior Senate subcommittee hearing on AI which nominally focused on copyright law, but largely raised the issue of personality rights. The Senate...

House Subcommittee Sends Follow-Up Questions After AI Hearing

After the February 2nd House hearing about AI and how best to address unauthorized use of a person's voice and likeness at the federal level, two members of the House Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet sent me (Prof. Rothman) additional written questions to answer for the record. Representative Issa's questions focused on...

House’s Draft AI Bill Risks Loss of Control over Our Own Voices and Likenesses

***UPDATED TO REFLECT INTRODUCTION TO CONGRESS On January 9, 2024, Representative Maria Salazar circulated a draft of a bill to address voice and likeness rights in the context of AI. The bill is titled “No Artificial Intelligence Fake Replicas and Unauthorized Duplications Act of 2024,” shorthanded as the “No AI FRAUD Act.” Unfortunately, despite its...

House Releases Draft Legislation Targeting AI

Earlier this week, Representative Maria Salazar circulated a discussion draft of a bill to provide federal "property rights in likeness and voice" to combat concerns over AI-generated replicas of recording artists' and actors' performances. This continues the recent interest in Congress of tackling publicity rights at a federal level in light of ever-improving AI technology....

Draft Digital Replica Bill Risks Living Performers’ Rights over AI-Generated Replacements

The NO FAKES ACT released as a discussion draft last week proposes establishing a new federal digital replica right that would extend 70 years after a person’s death. The one-pager accompanying the draft highlights that the legislation is driven by concerns that “unauthorized recreations from generative artificial intelligence (AI)” will substitute for performances by the...

Senate Circulates Draft of Digital Replica Bill

A draft of a digital replica bill to address concerns over AI-generated performances and sound recordings has just been made public, along with a related one-pager. This follows in the wake of the Senate's July hearing on copyright and AI.  I previously submitted comments to the Senate after the hearing in anticipation of such legislation. ...

Submission to Congress in Wake of AI Concerns

In July at a Senate hearing about Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, several Senators and witnesses floated the possibility of adopting a new federal right of publicity or a more limited "digital impersonation" or digital replica law.  In light of these calls and the seriousness with which they are being taken, I prepared a two-pager...

Federal Right of Publicity Takes Center Stage in Senate Hearing on AI

On July 12th, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held its second hearing about artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property, this one was to focus expressly on “copyright” law. Although copyright was mentioned many times during the almost two-hour session and written testimony considered whether the use of unlicensed training data was copyright...