Tag: Right to Privacy

Can Privacy Survive the Digital Age?

In my second post on The Volokh Conspiracy on topics related to my book, The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World (Harvard Univ. Press 2018), I consider whether privacy can survive the digital age. Much of the story that my book uncovers provides insights into how best to understand and address today's...

Official Release of The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World

My book, The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World, was officially released today by Harvard University Press. Jack Balkin of Yale Law School has described the book as the "definitive biography of the right of publicity" and as a story told with "zest, explaining how we should restruture this right on our...

Lohan Loses Yet Another Right of Publicity Claim

The actor Lindsay Lohan continued her losing streak with another right of publicity lawsuit being tossed out. Last week the New York Court of Appeals in Lohan v. Take-Two Interactive Software, put to bed her claim against the makers of the video game Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV). Lohan had claimed that the video game...

First Amendment Protects Use of Olivia de Havilland in FEUD Docudrama

In a resounding victory for FX, the California Court of Appeal today reversed the trial court’s decision in de Havilland v. FX Networks on all counts.  The panel held that the anti-SLAPP motion to strike de Havilland's claims should have been granted both as to the right of publicity and false light claims. The three-judge...

New York Times Article on De Havilland Case

Paul Brownfield's article on Olivia de Havilland's lawsuit against FX Network was published in Sunday's New York Times Style Section. It has a wonderful interview with Ms. de Havilland that explains more about her views on the lawsuit. It also has some commentary from me related to the case.  My op-ed, in print, the same...

Law Professors Call for Reversal in De Havilland and the Protection of Biographies and Biographical Films

Yesterday, I filed a brief co-authored with Rebecca Tushnet and Eugene Volokh asking the California Court of Appeal to reverse the trial court’s decision in De Havilland v. FX Networks as to the right of publicity claim. The case, first filed at the end of June last year, involves a lawsuit by Hollywood legend Olivia...

Amazon Beats Right of Publicity Claim for Use of Photograph on Book Cover

Last week the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Roe v. Amazon held that booksellers Amazon.com, and Barnes & Noble (among others) could not be held liable for violating the privacy and publicity rights of a couple whose image was used without permission on the cover of an erotic novel displayed on those companies’ websites....

Major Victory for Fantasy Sports against College Athletes

Last week while a California trial court let the right of publicity run roughshod over the First Amendment in a case involving a docudrama, an Indiana district court in Daniels v. Fanduel rejected the right of publicity claims brought by former NCAA football players, Akeem Daniels, Cameron Stingily, and Nicolas Stoner against fantasy sports leagues...

The Plot (and Feud) Thickens

On Friday, a California superior court agreed with two-time Oscar winner Olivia de Havilland that her lawsuit against FX Networks could proceed. FX had sought to put a swift end to her lawsuit arising out of her portrayal in the network’s critically acclaimed miniseries, Feud. The series chronicled the longstanding conflict between Joan Crawford and...

Jazz Great Thelonious Monk’s Heir Objects to Brother Thelonious Beer

Earlier this week, Thelonious Monk, Jr. filed a lawsuit against North Coast Brewing Co. in the federal district court of California for allegedly using his father, the great jazz musician Thelonious Monk’s name, likeness, and image on its beer labels, for its brand name, and in advertising and marketing the ale without permission. The complaint...